Hamilton Loop
Long Beach, CA
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Identified by the community as a priority project in the Uptown Open Space Vision Plan, the Hamilton Greenbelt is a mile-long walking and bike trail that will eventually wrap around the north and south embankments of the SR-91 Freeway in North Long Beach.
Urban + Systems
Planning + Policy
Building + Interior

Landscape Architecture
City Fabrick and KPFF collaborated with the Long Beach Parks, Recreation and Marine Department, and Long Beach Health and Human Services, with support from Kaiser Permanente through their HEAL Zone (Healthy Eating, Active Living) initiative in North Long Beach, to develop the schematic design for the phased development of this open space and mobility project. The schematic design identifies proposed changes to the adjacent streets to improve accessibility, increase safety, calm traffic speeds, and develop dedicated bicycle facilities that will form the backbone of an east-west Safe Route to School corridor that will serve four campuses. Residents have since begun installing gardens and other improvements in the fallow Caltrans embankment, prototyping the greenbelt project.


The team worked together with local residents to analyze the existing conditions within the fenced embankment area, adjacent roadways, and neighborhood, and identify opportunities and challenges for activation, connection, and beautification.