Walk San Jose
San Jose, CA
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The premise of Walk San Jose is simple:
Show residents and visitors San Jose’s diverse communities; facilitate meaningful and actionable conversations among neighbors on local issues, opportunities, and challenges; and do this while promoting increased physical activity, community building, and advocacy for creating healthy, safe and vibrant neighborhoods–all through the lens of walking. Walk San Jose is a project of California Walks and the Santa Clara County Public Health Department that launched in 2017 to apply locally California Walks’ vision to create safe, just, and inclusive streets and public spaces. City Fabrick collaborated to replicate the Walk Long Beach program in a second community. More information regarding Walk San Jose is provided here.
Urban + Systems
Planning + Policy
Building + Interior
Landscape Architecture

City Fabrick applied the Walk San Jose brand to new and expanded educational material, including translations into Vietnamese and Spanish. New material created for San Jose includes creating engaging Safe Routes to School maps; a guide for safe walking and bicycling, specifically oriented to young students; and a series of Walking Loop Cards intended to explore community assets as defined by the residents and community leaders themselves. Each focused on a different neighborhood, its people, culture, history, architecture, public art, and natural resources.

City Fabrick facilitated train-the-trainer walking workshops for local advocates and stakeholders and kicked off development of the initial collection of six walking loops. The advocacy training focuses on defining the characteristics of a pedestrian friendly environment, including accessibility, safety, convenience, and comfort. Training related to developing walking tours applied those lessons of walk makes a pedestrian-oriented experience while incorporating community assets to curate enjoyable, engaging experiences.

“The loops are intended to be explorations of a community’s assets, as defined by the residents and community leaders themselves.” -Jaime Fearer, former California Walks Deputy Director